Sunday, August 13, 2006

Illustration Friday: PlayI made this guy in Flash a while back. Today he is just an acoustic guitar-playing street performer but someday he will be famous. Go here to see the animated version of it.


Raymond's Brain said...

Great detail on the guitar. The animated piece worked well with the music.

Andrew Thornton said...

One of my favorite things to do in New York is to listen to the street performers. If the music is good, I'll pass on trains home and deal with the sweltering subway... but only if the music is good. I really like the graphic nature of your piece.

Ellen Byrne said...

Fantastic technique!

Unknown said...

love the style!

L. A. Stern said...

very cool. I like the subtle expressions on the animated version. Can you make him sing too?

Jeannetto said...

i like the milk crate, and the illustration of selling your art on the street, which ive been doing recently