Sunday, March 19, 2006

Illustration Friday: Feet

These are my German Shepherd Dog Vegas' big, furry front feet.


Lori Witzel said...

Nice! They have a lot of furry character. Glad to see you on IlloFriday, do more!

gudbrandsdottir said...

Very nice feet indeed! Welcome to IlloFriday!

Queen Tut said...

Great work!!!

The Unknown said...

Wow! Those look awesome. The color and shading is amazing.

David O'Connell said...

I love that graphic style.

carla said...

Great technique and cool really showcases those wonderful dig feet. I have GSD too...Heidi...and I love her feet, even when i'm not sure what they're been walking on!

Debra Cooper said...

When your illustration came up it was quite and eye opener! Love the graphic style and cropping and colors are so visually appealing. It would make an interesting showing of other dogs feet in that style. Great job!

Heartful said...

How gorgeous, feels like you could reach out and touch them. I like dog feet almost as much as cat feet!

fortwertz said...

This is very strong. You work vectors like a fine artist.

Patrick said...

Another top notch display of Illustrator talent! Loving your work! I am frantically trying to find the time to finish up my piece for the week... Thats the biggest drawback to Illustrator for me, it takes a lot of time! Can't wait to see more work from you!

Patrick said...

Checked out your website... Loved the "ready to rock" game... Very cool that you used to airbrush as well, I still do a lot of that- too addicted to ever give it up! Iowa... I lived in Cedar Rapids when I was about 3 years old. I can't remember much about it! Lookin' forward to seeing your next illo!!